Successfully Managing Your Staff
We all would agree, finding good staff is tough, KEEPING THEM is even tougher. And the hardest of all is GETTING THEM TO BE PRODUCTIVE. With insurances cutting their reimbursements and everything else going on in the economy, what are the ways you can keep your staff productive? Should they be doing promotion actions? How many patients should they be seeing? How much should you pay them? The questions go on and on. These are just a few of the things discussed in this webinar.
Keeping Your Practice Profitable!
As Private Practice owners we need to be focused on a lot of things, least of which is the bottom line. And that means PROFIT! What are the things you can be doing to ensure that you have a good profit margin? By PROFIT I mean that there is enough money to survive the Medicare and other insurance cuts, deductibles resetting at the beginning of the year, downtrends at times of year like the holidays, summer and more.
What are the key indicators that your practice is doing well? What are the things you can concentrate on to ensure you have the money to hire new staff, give staff raises, buy new equipment, and do better than just survive?
Keeping Your Schedule Full
How much of your time do you spend worrying about getting NEW PATIENTS as the Owner or Manger of a Private practice? If you are like most, you probably spend a lot of time on this subject. But how much time do you spend worrying about KEEPING PATIENTS ON YOUR SCHEDULE?
Did you know that there are 53 reasons for an empty schedule? And not enough New Patients doesn’t even make it in the top 10!
In this Free Webinar, Mike Bills, expert practice owner, takes a look at what you can do NOW to prevent and EMPTY SCHEDULE.
How To Get New Patients That Stick!
In this “New Normal” what is the best way to not only get new patients to show up but to actually sign up for and complete their full POC? If you are tired of giving away free consults or “discovery visits” only to have the patient leave and not follow through with their POC, you want to join us for this FREE WEBINAR.