Why Promotion?

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Promotion consists of capturing identities (names and contact data), communicating to them and offering your products or services to get them in as clients and customers.

The more “identities” you have, the more clients and customers you will have.


It’s as simple as that…

The more prospective clients and customers you reach with effective promotion that makes them aware of your products and services, the greater number of new clients and customers you can get into your business.


Let’s say you opened a new store, but never bothered to turn on your lights, open the shutters or install a phone line.


Would you have any people coming in? Not unless they were your closest friends and family.


It probably makes sense to you that if you currently sent out 1,000 pieces of promotion, made 500 phone calls, went out and knocked on 2-3 doors and spoke to 10 prospective clients or customers each week – and you then increased this activity each week you would likely have an increasingly greater inflow of clients and customers.

The name of the game in getting new business is promotion.

So, what is the best type of promotion?


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